Atlas News

Contractor Requirements, Permits, Proper Credentials

Contractor Requirements: It is essential that the roofing contractor you choose be covered properly by insurance. Liability with sufficient coverage and Workers Compensation. Ask them to show you written proof and make copies for your records.  Accidents do happen and you can be held liable for thousands of dollars in damages. Permits: Make sure your [...]

2014-02-12T20:34:52+00:00February 10th, 2014|

Commercial Roof Repairs

90% of commercial roofs can be REPAIRED instead of replaced. Atlas has saved new customers THOUSANDS of dollars by repairing their existing roofs, when other companies told them replacement was necessary. Call us BEFORE you replace your roof, so we can properly survey it and give you our expert opinion. And we repair EVERY roof, [...]

2016-08-04T22:29:12+00:00July 9th, 2012|

Commercial Roof Material Costs

Commercial Roofing Material fluctuate like the stock market. We use numerous material suppliers to get you the most competitive quote possible. Call us as early as possible so we can lock in material costs, even if you're not ready to start your project for immediately.

2016-08-04T22:29:45+00:00July 8th, 2012|

Extreme Weather Conditions

This winter has been one of the coldest in decades. Thermal shock has played havoc with the elasticity of your existing roof system. Let our experts inspect your roof NOW, so you can avoid very costly problems in the near future.

2016-08-04T22:31:05+00:00July 7th, 2012|
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